Unearthly, Uprising (ODD Gallery)
Segmented hand gestures seemingly communicate secret signals within a tumultuous space, a giant portrait of a multi-faced asuang clothed in the colors and patterns that occur in domestic spaces, a diptych of endless landscapes of which capture the transition of flight and/or descent of a mass of black kites during dusk and twilight. Unearthly, Uprising combines the process of revealing and bringing something to light, while simultaneously rising up and above a given surface, thought, or idea. “Unearthly” defined as supernatural, strange, and seemingly not belonging to this world, provides the stage in which all can exist. What these images share is the multifarious narrative behind a body fragmented that fights to stay attached, while simultaneously embracing the inevitable plurality. This experience is similar to the ways in which identity and a sense of belonging and understanding of self is negotiated when arising from foundations of movement, migration, and change, functioning not only in a physical landscape, but taking into account the social landscape as well.
96” x 96”
Acrylic, watercolor
on canvas
Photo: Alexandre Parent 2013